Abstract Submission Guidelines

Recommended Guidelines for Abstract Submission
General Criteria for Abstract Submission
  • Please review the conference topic categories before submitting your abstract.
  • A person could be presenting author for a maximum of two abstracts.
  • Abstracts may be submitted for oral or poster presentations.
  • Abstracts must be submitted online through this website only (www.anc.ansnet.org). If you find any issues submitting your abstract through the online tool, please contact the Technical Secretariat using this email anc2024@ansnet.org.
  • The presenting author(s) of the accepted abstracts must be a registered participant.
  • Only abstracts of authors who meet the abstract submission deadline, and have followed the submission guidelines and have at least one author registered will be selected for inclusion in the Book of Abstracts and presentation.
  • Submission of an abstract signifies your acceptance for the abstract to be published in all printed material of the conference.
  • Abstracts must be written and submitted only in English.
    • Conflicts of Interest / Disclosure: Authors of works submitted for presentation must disclose both financial and non-financial conflicts of interests e.g. include an acknowledgement of funding sources of commercial nature and/or consulting or holding of significant equity in a company that could be affected by the results of the study.
    • Abstract must be original and should NOT have been submitted or presented at any other scientific programme or conference.
    • Authors are NOT permitted to submit an abstract on work that has previously been published. If additional data or research is added to a previously published work the abstract could be accepted.

Theme: FOOD AND NUTRITION IN A CHANGING WORLD: Implications for nutrition security and health in Africa


  • Tracking Food Systems Transformation
  • The Food Environment
  • Food in the Circular Economy
  • Climate Change, Nutrition and Food Security
  • Traditional Knowledge and Africa’s Food Resources
  • Nutrition in Health and Disease
  • Nutrition Related Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD)
  • School Health and Nutrition
  • Nutrition and Cancer in Africa
  • Nutrition and Dietetic Professionals’ Training and Practice in Africa

Please note: the subthemes are now combined into tracks. In submitting the abstracts, choose the tracks that your sub-themes fit into.
Track 1: Food Systems and Nutrition in Africa
Track 2: Nutrition, Health and Wellbeing
Track 3: Training and Capacity-Building for Nutrition
Track 4: Special Events (Track 4A: A Roundtable Discussion: Nutrition governance in Africa; Track 4B: A Debate: The African Diaspora and Nutrition Training and capacity-building)

For details, read more here.

Abstract Contents

Before you begin, please prepare the following information:

  • Presenting author’s contact details
    • Full first and family name(s).
    • Authors’ names must be in Title case (e.g., Frank. E.A. Hayford)
    • Email address for presenting author
    • Affiliation details: Department, Institution / Hospital, City/State (as appropriate), Country
  • Co-authors’ details
    • Full first and family name(s).
    • Authors’ names must be in Title case (e.g., Frank. E.A. Hayford).
    • Affiliation details: Department, Institution / Hospital, City/State (as appropriate), Country
  • Abstract title – Not longer than 30 words, and must be in UPPER CASE
  • Abstract text: Limited to 300 words, excluding key words.
  • Arial, font size 12. We recommend using word-processing software for editing your abstract and counting the number of words. Use standard abbreviations for units of measure.
  • Other abbreviations should be spelled out in full at first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
  • Abstracts text should clearly state:
    • Introduction/Background
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions
    • Key words (4 –5)
    • The structured abstract should not include subheadings, other than those indicated above
    • NO references are needed
    • The structured abstract should NOT include tables or figures

After Submitting

  • No alteration of the abstract can be made after May 31, 2024 at 23.59 GMT.
  • All communication about the submitted abstract will be sent via email to the presenting author
  • An email will be sent to
    • Confirm receipt of the abstract
    • Notify if the abstract is accepted or rejected by (June 30, 2024)
    • Confirm if the abstract is accepted for oral or poster presentation
    • Give presentation criteria for oral and posters
  • The abstract will be submitted under the complete acceptance of all of the above criteria. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject any abstract if it is not adapted to any of these criteria.

Outline for Abstracts

Individual/Research abstracts, Workshop or Symposium abstracts are all welcome. Abstract may be presented as one of three kinds as described below.

Abstracts may include new research, systematic review, program implementation, methods and case report.

Unpublished research research Unpublished original research from primary or secondary data
Reviews Review and synthesis of existing research reports
Program implementation Systematic analysis of program implementation and evaluation
Methods Newly established or characterized methods, or evaluations of existing methods
Case study report A case report is a means of disseminating

   new knowledge gained through clinical practice                 


For abstracts submitted as a Case Study Report, areas should cover Medical Nutrition/Case Study Vignettes. A clinical vignette or case report is a means of disseminating new knowledge gained from clinical practice. It should address rear or uncommon conditions; a complication of a known disease; an unusual side effect or adverse response to a mode of treatment; or a new approach or management of an existing condition. Maintaining patient anonymity is essential. Case reports should follow a similar format and length of scientific abstracts.

 Case Study Report Abstract text should clearly state:

  • Introduction
  • Case Description
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions (key learning points and implications for clinical practice)
  • Key words (4 –5 maximum)
  • Conflict of Interest Disclosure (if any)

NB: The structured Case Study Report abstract should not include subheadings, other than those indicated above, no references are needed and should not include tables or figures.

How to Submit the Abstract Online – Online Process Using Open Source

How to Submit Electronically

  • All abstracts shall be submitted through this conference website. Please create an account or log in to continue. Click on "Abstracts Dashboard" or "Submit Abstract" to continue.
  • Please submit your abstract here.
  • If you encounter any difficulties during the submission process or for further information regarding abstract submission via the website, please contact the Technical Secretariat by e-mail at anc2024@ansnet.org indicating in the subject line: ANC2024 (ANEC IX) Support, or send a message via chat.

Checking Your Abstract Before Submitting

  • Kindly go through the submission form to make sure all details are correct before submitting it.
  • Please note that abstracts must be submitted before or on the deadline date for them to be sent for review.
  • Before you click the "Submit Abstract" button, make sure you have checked and made all your corrections.
  • Important: Once you have submitted your abstract via this website, check that you have received a confirmation email in your inbox, or possibly spam (check spam).
  • If you do not receive any confirmation within 24 hours of submission, please send an e-mail to anc2024@ansnet.org.

After Submitting

  • You will receive an auto-confirmation.
  • Authors should expect to hear about the outcome of their submission within four weeks after the submission deadline.
  • Please note that abstracts will only be considered if they have been prepared and submitted as per the instructions above.
  • The printed conference programme containing all accepted abstracts will be distributed at the registration desk at the conference


Guidance on how to create an account and submit an abstract can be found at this link: https://www.anc.ansnet.org/general-guidelines/