Abstract Mentor Program

The Abstract Mentor Programme (AMP)  is now accepting abstract drafts for review by a pool of experts. This programme helps prospective conference speakers improve their abstracts before submitting them.

Submit your draft abstract for mentoring
If you would need support in writing scientific abstracts, our pool of expert mentors can provide advice and feedback on how to develop successful abstracts for each of the conference tracks . Each participant is allowed a maximum of 2 submissions to the programme and can thus chose to re-submit a draft abstract or submit two different abstracts for one round of review each.

The said Abstracts (the draft Abstracts) can be submitted either via theAMP portal or via our email amp2024@ansnet.org.

General Rules
The draft abstract submitted to the mentor must follow the 2024 ANC abstract submission guidelines.

• Each person can submit up to 2 abstracts to the programme for mentoring:

o One abstract may be submitted for review and re-submitted after revision based on mentor feedback

o Two separate abstracts may each be submitted once for mentor feedback

• Submitted abstracts that do not follow the 2024 ANC abstract submission guidelines or do not have a satisfactory level of English, will be directly returned to the submitter without review.

• Mentors will help abstract submitters answer questions around formal requirements for abstracts, research methods and analysis, as well as how to select appropriate tracks and categories.

• Mentors will not make any edits/changes in submitted abstracts.

• Mentors cannot indicate if s/he thinks the abstract is likely to be selected or not.

• Questions submitted must be of a practical nature e.g. “Is my introduction extensive enough?”; “Have I thoroughly described the methodology?”; “Is my conclusion clear?”

• A question unrelated to the AMP, such as general inquiries or questions about other conference-related programmes such as scholarships will not be answered.

Preparing and submitting Draft Abstracts for experienced Mentors to review
• STEP 1: Prepare a draft abstract for submission in accordance with the 2024 ANC abstracts submission guidelines (https://www.anc.ansnet.org/abstract-submission-guidelines/)

• STEP 2: If possible, ask a supervisor or colleague to review your draft abstract and give you feedback – before submitting.

• STEP 3: If available, use spelling and grammar check (e.g. Office Word Spelling and Grammar function), or other AI aids to proofread your draft – before submitting.

• STEP 4: Log in to the 2024 ANC AMP Abstract Submission Website (https://www.anc.ansnet.org/abstract-mentor-program), and submit your draft abstract for mentoring. Or email it to the AMP2024 email address (amp2024@ansnet.org).